Non scholae sed vitae discimus
Non scholae sed vitae discimus
Non scholae sed vitae discimus
We do not learn for school, but for life
Dr. Chris WH Woo's
Leadership Emotional Intelligence Assessment
This is a free self-assessment that you can take to gauge your emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership potential. It is designed using Daniel Goleman's (1995) 5 competencies.
The test measures your EI trait, rather than ability. It is a metric similar to Petrides and Furnham's TEIQue, albeit simpler.
Use this assessment as a quick litmus test to find out which EI skills are your strengths and which are your development priorities.
Dr. Chris WH Woo is the founder and trainer at the Oratory Academe. He has provided interpersonal and corporate communication coaching/trainings for more than a decade in Australia, Southeast Asia and Canada. He is now currently based in Singapore and available as a corporate consultant for the region. He is also an experienced coach for conflict management and communication psychology.
Dr. Woo has a few notable achievements. At the age of 25, he was one of the youngest scholars in Western Australia to complete his Ph.D., specialising in the field of Communication Studies. In the following years he received several nominations and awards for teaching excellence. In 2014, Dr. Woo was the finalist for the Toastmasters International World Championship in Public Speaking and was ranked as one of the top speakers in the world.
He has worked with universities, ministries, telecommunication companies, banks and transnational companies such as TOTAL Oil and Gas. He is also frequently invited as an international speaker for public speaking events.
In July 2017, Dr. Woo completed his book on rhetoric for public speaking and published internationally. He is a notable expert in the study and practice of persuasion for professional communications. He has a robust online presence on LinkedIn and writes researched articles on Communications.